Holy Communion

Christian congregations must be united by the pure doctrine of God’s Word, the Bible, before enjoying fellowship (inter-Communion) with each other (1 Cor. 1:10; Rom. 16:17). Therefore, all active, communicant members in good standing (not under church discipline) from congregations of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS) and from churches belonging to the International Lutheran Council may commune here, along with members of orthodox independent Lutheran congregations who have spoken in advance to the pastor. However, because of the doctrinal disunity that still exists among Christian denominations today, we cannot in good conscience offer the Lord’s Supper to members of congregations affiliated with heterodox church bodies, including the ELCA, LCMC, and all non-Lutheran denominations. We pray that these doctrinal divisions would be healed so that outward unity among Christians could be achieved. We appreciate your respect for our church’s practice of closed Communion, which is the historic practice of the Church and is prompted by faithfulness to God’s Word and concern for the spiritual welfare of all who commune here. If you would like more information about this doctrine or any other teaching of the Lutheran church, or if you would like to become a communicant member of Grace Lutheran, please speak with the pastor after the service. In addition, we encourage you to read the pamphlet available in the narthex, “Why Closed Communion?”
According to 1 Corinthians 11:27-30, Christians are to prepare for Communion by examining themselves. For information about preparing for the Sacrament, we have pamphlets in the pews entitled “Christian Questions with Their Answers.” If you desire to commune, sign the back of the attendance card in the pew to register for the Sacrament, and place it in the basket in the narthex as you depart the sanctuary.