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Christian Education for All Ages

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For Adults

Grace offers the opportunity for adults to continue their religious worship and education on Sundays and at monthly meetings.


Bible Class

The Adult Bible Class meets with Pastor at 8:00 AM on Sundays. The class discusses the teachings of Christ in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.


Day Time Bible Study Discussion Group

Pastor Roth teaches a weekly Bible study on Wednesdays from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM.


Inquirers' Class

Occasionally Pastor begins an Adult Inquirers' Class to study what the Lutheran Church believes. The class is available as a refresher course for members, and is also available to everyone who is not a communing member of the Lutheran Church that would like to know more about our faith.


There is no obligation to join the church, but you may become a communing member after you have completed the classes if you wish.

For Children

Grace provides many opportunities for children to continue their Christian education.


Sunday School

Grace Lutheran Sunday School provides Christian education through fellowship and Bible study for all ages. Sunday School classes meet every Sunday at 10:30 AM, following the 9:15 AM Divine Service.


Junior High Catechism (Confirmation) Class

Children in the 6th and 7th grades begin weekly classes in Christian doctrine. These classes prepare the young people to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. The classes begin after Summer vacation and continue  until  Palm  Sunday.  On  that  day,  the  2nd-year


students are confirmed and receive their first Communion on the next Thursday (Maundy Thursday).


Youth Group

A Ministry sharing the Gospel with young people through celebration, growing and serving. The aim is to teach our youth to be virtuous people and good Christians. Activities include service projects and fun outings around town and state.


Acolyte Service

Boys aged 10 and older may serve as acolytes during the Divine Service. Pastor trains the acolytes and they work directly under his supervision. During the service they light and extinguish the candles. They also hand the collection plates to the ushers.


Vacation Bible School

Each summer, in June or July, the congregation sponsors a week-long Vacation Bible School for children from kindergarten age through grade 6. The children work hard, play hard and learn about their Savior during this time.

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